Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day One Is About Begin!

Tomorrow begins the start of a the kill-the-yeast trial - yeehaw!  I made sure to prep my meals for breakfast and lunch, and took some before pictures, as well as drank a cup of coffee and eat a slice of cheesecake!  I did forewarn my colleagues that I will be doing this and asked them to bear with me for the next few days as my body adjusts.  Tomorrow will look like this, and Thursday will look pretty similar as well as I start prepping my body for a liquid fast:

Wake Up:  My usual 12-16 ounces of warm water with a tablespoon of lemon juice
Breakfast:  Fresh apple/pear/ginger juice and green tea
Mid-Morning:  A piece of fruit
Lunch:  Cabbage & Carrot Salad with homemade Orange Ginger dressing
Afternoon:  Grape or apple juice
Evening:  Cucumber & Tomato Salad, Spicy V-8 Veggie Broth Soup
...and lots and lots of water all day!  I do drink 8 ounces of water before I drink a fresh juice - having it "diluted" on my stomach is easier on my digestive system.  For some reason carrot juice irritates my stomach more than others, so I rarely drink it (or if I do, it is just a small amount in a larger batch of juice).

Prepping breakfast & lunch

What the real me looks like in my not-so-forgiven yoga clothes
Side View
I will weigh in the morning, as well as every day to make sure I don't lose too much too fast.  I'm not 100% sure of my actual weight right now (I only weight once a week), as I am due to start my cycle by the end of the week, and it's very normal for me to 4-6 pounds more than I usually do at this point!

Bring on the raw foods and fresh juices!  :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Beast Rears Its Ugly Head... Again

Before you start reading this, I'm going to warn you that there may be a few TMI (Too Much Information) bits in here, so skip to the end if medical talk makes you queasy.  That being said, some of you know that within a few months of giving birth to Ethan, I was diagnosed with Systemic Candidiasis, which is basically an full-blown overgrowth of yeast throughout your entire body.  Typically, this is only found in people with compromised immune systems, and though I was tested up and down for any of those (which I do not have), I still have it.

Upon the diagnosis, my doctor put me on a strict yeast-killing diet; no dairy, no fruit, no starches, no sugar, no coffee... just veggies and lean proteins for six weeks, along with super-duper probiotics.  It was difficult; especially the first few days - yeast die-off is an agonizing detox!  However, after the first four-to-five days, things started changing.  My energy level shot up as the chronic fatigue decreased, my skin cleared up, the fungal infections I struggled with everywhere (and not just in areas you think of when someone struggles with yeast overgrowth) cleared up, my anxiety/anger issues decreased, I could think and function more clearly, I could drop weight with ease when I dieted... it was amazing!

Fast forward two years and I am having more and more frequent flare-ups.  There are three oral prescriptions in my bathroom, as well as two prescription creams that I have to use to eliminate the infections with they hit.  And not just vaginal... in fact, I've only had that issue once.  No, for me, I get skin infections, fungal issues in my nailbeds and ear canals, horrible thrush, fatigue, anxiety, weight gain, and depression.  If I have to an antibiotic for something, I normally spend at least two weeks taking Diflucan everyday.  But now I'm seeing one symptom or another rear its ugly head every four-to-six weeks.

I am miserable.

Since my last post, I've developed thrush, ear infections, and have gain a pound and a half.  I am exhausted, but having issues sleeping.  And after almost a year of fighting off the symptoms, I am ready to fight the root of the problem again - my diet.  We are going on a mini-vacation for the next few days, but starting Tuesday (or Wednesday, if I don't get a chance to grocery shop Monday night), I will be eating raw foods for two days, then transitioning into a juice fast for 7-10 days, then back to raw foods for a few days, and gradually adding back high nutrient foods (legumes, seeds, nuts) with occasional lean protein and starches.  I've done prolonged liquid fasts before (the longest I have done was thirty days), but that was before marriage and kids, so it will be shorter and a bit more challenging, as I will be cooking for them, too!

I want to try to post daily (or every other day) during my liquid fasting time, to record it, and to keep me accountable.  Wish me luck and you will hear from me soon!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Another 10 Pounds Bite the Dust

I don't have time for a long post, but I am finally under 220 pounds - at 219.6, to be exact.  Happy, happy day!  Makes for 26.4 pounds down since July… and I owe myself a new pair of pants for knocking off another ten pounds.  :)