Monday, September 1, 2014

Fasting & Feasting Follow-Up - 3 Weeks Later and Goals for September

My deepest apologies that I didn't do a final "fast-breaking" post; with school back on in session, blogging while on-duty with ten kids in the house and homeschooling Emily is nearly impossible.  I feel like I ended it well, and had great results from the doctor with my lab work.  My glucose fasting level is back to normal, and my A1C came down from a 6.1 to a 5.9.  Yay!  My next set of lab work will be done in February and my goal is to try to get my A1C below a 5.7, which would put it back beneath a pre-diabetic level.

So after 3 weeks of liquid feasting, my final results were thus:

Starting Weight: 224
Week 1 Weight:  219.4
Week 2 Weight:  216.2
Ending Weight:  215.4
Total Difference:  - 8.6 pounds

Since then, I've lost a bit more and am now down to 213 pounds.  I'm looking forward to September!  We are having a short vacation back to the Savannah area at the end of the month, and while we are there, I'm running a 5K.  I hope to have an new PR for this one for under 40 minutes.  I'd also like to lose 5 more pounds before the end of the month, which I think is very doable.

This is going to be short, but hopefully I will post more again on my next off-duty shift!