My goodness, October is gone. Gone! Last time I posted was on October 9th... almost a month ago! The last month of the third quarter is by far my busiest month of the year business wise, so basically late hours, eating out waaay more than normal, and no exercise. On a good note, I'm happy to say I've pretty much maintained where I was when I posted, which for me is excellent, considering a huge stress load, birthday cake, Halloween candy, a bladder infection, a yeast infection (caused by the antibiotics to treat the prior infection), and the hours with the pediatric hematologist with Ethan working on a diagnosis of a blood disorder have happened since then. In a nut shell, I've pretty much been a train wreck. Thankfully, I'm nearly done with the biggest proposals, and this week should be my last "hard-and-heavy" week in the office, with one last meeting on the 13th to try to broker at $750,000 annual contract (praying hard for that one; my commission on that would be sweet come January!), and another visit to the blood doctor on Thursday, where we hope to be getting closer to a diagnosis. So in light of the fact that I need to do be off to bed, I promise to post again next weekend.
Adieu! :o)
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