Thursday, August 7, 2014

Lab Work is Done - The Joys of Feasting & Fasting - Day 16

Hard to believe I'm already past two weeks into this thing - it's a bit crazy to me!  Some days it seems super long, some days it feels like it is a normal part of my regular routine.  Hard to believe it is nearing an end, though I have been considering extending it one more week to make it a 30 day fast, but I don't know yet if I will.

Lab work was done easy-peasy this morning, and I will get results next Thursday.  Praying for good news - and good blood sugar numbers!  A big answer to pray was that it only took two sticks to draw blood today (I'm a horrible stick) and no veins blew or collapsed.  Yay!

I realized that I hadn't done a weigh-in post when I hit week two, so here is where things stood after two weeks: 

Starting Weight: 224
Week 1 Weight:  219.4
Week 2 Weight:  216.2
Total Difference:  -7.8 pounds

Physically, I'm feeling good - a bit tired mid-day at times, but my energy level is actually pretty good.  I've also started exercising more strenuously again (besides just walking) and am working out about an hour every other day and have had no problems with being light-headed or dizzy.  In fact, my energy level has been pretty high.

Emotionally and spiritually, these past few days have been trying.  My female hormones are singing in high octave, so I'm dealing with that, and God is working mightily in my heart.  Also, Jonathan and I are praying over several areas specifically (some which are a bit terrifying for my security-loving heart), and I hope to see change there soon - either in our hearts or our situation that our prayers pertain to.  However, I am loving the extra time with my kids and the homeschooling lifestyle - I love it!

Speaking of homeschooling, it's time to get started!  I think we may school down in the pavilion today; got to enjoy these low-80's days while we can!  :)

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